Kellyanne Conway Faces Criticism After Possible Violation of Ethics Regulation

The Trump administration is currently under fire for potential ethics violations Thursday due to Kellyanne Conway promoting Ivanka Trump’s clothing line during an interview on Fox and Friends.

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to the president Donald Trump, said on Fox & Friends to co-host Steve Doocy.

Ivanka Trump has a “wonderful line,” Conway included. “I own some of it. I fully, I’m gonna just going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today everybody. You can find it online.”

Conway was immediately met with strong criticism regarding the breaking of federal ethic regulations.

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz strongly addressed Conway for her advertisement.

“That was wrong, wrong, wrong. It is wholly unacceptable. No, if, and’s or buts about it,” the chairman said to NBC News via a phone inquiry.

Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, and the committee’s ranking Democrat, Elijah Cummings of Maryland, are “working together to form and send a letter to the White House and Office of Government Ethics for a referral.” Earlier today, Cummings requested that the congressional panel review Conway’s violation.

“It should have never happened, and they better learn their lesson very quickly,” Chaffetz warned.

Chaffetz said he is unsure how this will be resolved or whether his committee will have a hearing looking into the matter, but this letter and referral is a good start.

To learn more about this story click here.


Changes to Social Security Coming

There will be no increase in benefits for 2016 according to the latest reports.  Benefit amounts will remain the same as 2015 based upon no increase in the Consumer Price Index.

Also, Congress has determined that a “loophole” in the “file and suspend” rule will be closed.  Some argued that the file and suspend rule allowed couples to receive more benefits than they should have been entitled to.  There were several variations of how couples could begin to receive benefits before the Social Security laws intended.  Congress worked to close this loophole in 2016 to help reduce costs and to ensure couples only received benefits when they are entitled to.

If you are filing for Social Security benefits or are already receiving benefits, you should visit and review all of the changes for 2016!

Below are links to Social Security offices in major cities across the country: